Mum’s Recipe for Spanish Tortilla

Mum’s Recipe for Spanish Tortilla

Mum’s Recipe for Spanish Tortilla 1500 1000 Spanish Lessons with Maria

In our family, we love tortilla’s. But our version is different to the Mexican tortilla’s that many people know. Our is made with potatoes and is more like a quiche. It is so delicious!

Tortilla de papas a la española 

  • 4 papas grandes
  • 1 cebolla
  • 1 taza de aceite 
  • 1/2 chorizo
  • 4 huevos 
  • Sal y pimienta a gusto

-Pelar las papas y cortarlas en trocitos. Mezclarlas con la cebolla picada y cocinarlas a fuego lento en aceite. Condimentar con sal y pimienta. Agregar el chorizo cortado en trocitos. Batir los huevos. Agregar las papas sin aceite. Limpiar la sartén, calentarla y verter un poco de aceite. Calentar bien, agregar la mezcla de papas, el huevo y el chorizo. Cocinar de un lado, dar vuelta con la ayuda de una tapa y completar la cocción del otro lado.

Para que no se pegue la tortilla, cocinarla en una sartén bien limpia, con poco aceite y bien caliente.

Spanish tortilla

  • 4 big potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 cup of oil
  • 1/2 chorizo
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste

– Peel the potatoes and cut them in squares. Mix them with the chopped onion and cook in oil in low heat. Season with salt and pepper. Add the chorizo cut into pieces. Beat the eggs. Add the potatoes without the oil. Clean the frying pan, heat it and pour a little bit of oil. Heat it well, add the potato mixture, the egg and the chorizo. Cook on one side, turn it with a lid and finish cooking on the other side.

For the tortilla not to stick to the pan, cook it in a clean frying pan with not much oil and very hot.

I would love for you to give it a try and let me know how you go. And again, this is a special recipe that was given to me by my mother. ♥️